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Meeting 12/1

Thursday, December 1st, 2016, 7:05 A.M.

  1. Giving Tree

  2. All of the tags have been taken.

  3. 13 people took a tag but didn’t write their name on the sheet of paper.

  4. All presents are due back Wednesday, December 7th, wrapped underneath the tree.

  5. Jungle Stuff

  6. Last day was yesterday.

  7. Sevrina is still waiting on the email with our total profit.

  8. Hyannis

  9. Application due today.

  10. We can only take 12 people this year.

  11. Delegation will be announced as soon as possible. Those that are chosen must be willing to attend the conference and pay. When people drop out at the last minute things get complicated.

  12. Boston Trip

  13. Possible dates: December 8th, 10th, or 11th

  14. Facebook poll results

  15. Less than half of the council voted on dates. Everyone has to vote so we can decide on a date.

  16. Project managers, Maddy and Jaelin, be prepared to talk about ideas at Tuesday and Thursday’s meetings.

  17. Teacher Gifts

  18. Final Idea: wrapping paper with personalized cards.

  19. Aimed pass out date

  20. Friday Dec 10th

  21. Friday Dec 17th

  22. Once we get a teacher list, we will need volunteers to assemble/write cards.

  23. Christmas Basket

  24. Student Council puts together a christmas basket for a family in need.

  25. This basket is more personalized than the Turkey Gaggle baskets are.

  26. Flynn will make list of items we need in the basket and people can sign up for something to bring in next week.

  27. Due date: TBD

  28. Tape Wall/Caf Window

  29. Kayla will put up a countdown to christmas break on the tape wall and write “good luck winter sports” on the caf window.

  30. Misc Announcements

  31. Send pictures to Mikayla Parker for the yearbook. She needs them within the next week or so.

  32. Notes/Agendas from each meeting will be posted on the student council website. The website can be accessed from the school website under the student section

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